
The heart and success of the local program is the agriculture educator. The goal of this page is to provide busy teachers with one place to find all of the commonly used sites and documents.  Thank you for your hard work and we look forward to working with you to meet our common goal of enhancing agricultural education and the FFA. 

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  • New Teacher Guide
    • Please reach out to state staff to receive the latest version.  Staff will also help set up access to some of the sites listed below.
  • Nevada Agricultural Education & FFA Google Drive
    • USE: Nevada-specific information, calendar, event descriptions and access to forms.
  • The Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET) website
    • USE: Initial entry of student roster, getting your students in the system to manage Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs) record books, access SAE-related awards & degree applications, manage class and chapter information and activities.  Note: Specific log-in required and must be acquired from state staff or previous agriculture teacher.
  • Judging Card website
    • USE: Registering for state FFA activities, uploading applications and documents due to state for competition, and viewing results of state competitive events. Note: Specific log-in required and must be acquired from state staff or previous agriculture teacher.
  • Nevada Career and Technical Education – Agriculture and Natural Resources Program
    • USE: Approved Ag Ed courses along with curriculum framework, program of study & standards. CTE employability skills, end of program assessments, grants, college credit, science credit, etc. 
  • National FFA Website
    • USE: Final processing of student roster, getting your student’s accounts so they can access tools and resources, information on all national FFA programs, access grant and scholarship applications, teacher resources/lesson plans and more, access Competitive Events Handbooks, Ag Explorer career tool, and more!  Note: Specific log-in required and must be acquired from state staff to access chapter-specific information.
  • National FFA Box Library
    • USE: Accessing all of National FFA’s resources in one spot. Many of the links on the ffa.org page connect to specific documents and folders on this site