Teach Ag in Nevada

Why Teach Ag?

Teaching agriculture is unlike teaching any other subject. It makes a difference in students’ lives and is one of the few subjects that connects directly to an industry.

Agriculture classes are the application of core subjects like math, science, language arts and social sciences. Agriculture classrooms are in a lab, at a landscaping site, in the greenhouse, on a school farm or in the shop. There are no boundaries to the learning environments agriculture teachers can explore.

Nevada’s food and agriculture industry is diverse and expanding. More and more students are needed to fill all of the jobs that the industry has to offer. To do that, we need great agriculture teachers who are willing to make the difference in students’ lives!

National Teach Ag Day

National Teach Ag Day is a day to celebrate school-based agricultural education and to encourage agricultural education advocates to share with others the great career opportunities in agricultural education.

Celebrate National Teach Ag Day each September! Learn more at www.naae.org/teachag

Opportunities for high school students

It’s never too early to focus on a passion that could turn into a career opportunity. The Nevada Agriculture Teachers’ Association, Nevada FFA and the Nevada FFA Foundation partner to provide opportunities for high school students to learn more about what it’s like to be an ag teacher.

Parent Resources

Is your child interested in pursuing a degree in agricultural education? Find job demand resources, educational requirements, financial tools/scholarships and more below.

Get an Agricultural Education Degree in Nevada

The University of Nevada, Reno offers students interested in teaching secondary agricultural education the opportunity to enroll in the NevadaTeach program and obtain a dual degree in secondary education and agricultural sciences. Visit www.unr.edu/nevadateach to learn more.

Program contact: Charmi Mitchell