Online Exams & Virtual CDEs

Virtual Event Policies & Procedures

The FFA Advisor will be required to review these guidelines with each student prior to the exam and the advisor must certify that the students will adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The FFA student(s) named on the exam is that actual student(s) participating.
  • Each contestant will use only the allowed materials as set forth in the rules (calculator, pencil & paper, etc.)
  • Contestants will not talk, share questions/answers or any way communicate regarding event materials at any time during the event.
  • Your exam will be completed solely by YOU during the allotted time without any assistance from anyone else or by any means not allowed in the event rules.
  • You will have only two internet browser tabs open (your virtual test scorecard & event materials) while taking the test. 
  • You will NOT have any electronic devices (other than the device on which the exam is administered on) such as cell phones, smart watches, tablets, etc. 
  • You will not take pictures, screenshots or download test materials. Your ENTIRE TEAM WILL BE DISQUALIFIED if this is done. 
  • You will compete your contest in one sitting/session and cannot be saved and resumed at a later time.
  • You will adhere to the CDE/LDE honesty and integrity policy as published. 
  • You will adhere to the Code of Ethics as set forth in the FFA Manual.

Ag. Sales

Password from proctor is required.

Ag. Technology & Mechanical Systems

Password from proctor is required.

Best Informed Greenhands

Password from proctor is required.

Conduct of Chapter Meetings

Password from proctor is required.

Environmental & Natural Resources

Password from proctor is required.

Farm & Agribusiness Management

Password from proctor is required.


Password from proctor is required.

Milk Quality & Products

Password from proctor is required.


Password from proctor is required.

Poultry Evaluation

Password from proctor is required.